28 de marzo de 2025


Guerra Israel-Hamas: Joe Biden viajará a Israel esta semana

Guerra Israel-Hamas: Joe Biden viajará a Israel esta semana
US President Joe Biden delivers remarks at the Tioga Marine Terminal in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 13 October 2023. Biden discussed his economic policies known as ÔBidenomicsÕ in relation to clean energy, union jobs and infrastructure. (Filadelfia) EFE/EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

El presidente norteamericano busca enviar el mensaje más contundente hasta el momento de que Estados Unidos está con Israel.

Desde la Casa Blanca informaron que Joe Biden viajará el miércoles a Israel en una demostración de apoyo, mientras aumentan las preocupaciones de que la guerra entre Israel y Hamas pueda expandirse a un conflicto regional.

El secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos Antony Blinken anunció el viaje de Biden en momentos en que empeora la situación humanitaria en la Franja de Gaza y en que Israel se prepara para un posible ataque por tierra hacia el territorio de 365 kilómetros cuadrados para acabar con los combatientes de Hamas.

El presidente norteamericano busca enviar el mensaje más contundente hasta el momento de que Estados Unidos está con Israel. Su gobierno ha prometido apoyo militar a Israel, y ha desplegado portaaviones en la región.

Upper Galilee (Israel), 16/10/2023.- Israeli soldiers at an area near the border with Lebanon, in the Upper Galilee, northern Israel, 16 October 2023. Israel's National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) of the Ministry of Defense and the Israel Defense Force (IDF) announced on 16 October the implementation of a plan to evacuate residents of 28 communities in northern Israel, who live in the area up to two kilometers from the Lebanese border. The residents would be taken to state-funded guesthouses. The announcement came a day after the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said intense exchanges of fire occurred in several areas along the Blue Line between Lebanese territory and Israel, which impacted both sides of the demarcation line. Tensions remain high on the Lebanon-Israel border following an escalation in fighting between the two countries as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict flared up. (Líbano) EFE/EPA/AYAL MARGOLIN ISRAEL OUT
Upper Galilee (Israel), 16/10/2023.- Israeli soldiers at an area near the border with Lebanon, in the Upper Galilee, northern Israel, 16 October 2023. Israel's National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) of the Ministry of Defense and the Israel Defense Force (IDF) announced on 16 October the implementation of a plan to evacuate residents of 28 communities in northern Israel, who live in the area up to two kilometers from the Lebanese border. The residents would be taken to state-funded guesthouses. The announcement came a day after the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said intense exchanges of fire occurred in several areas along the Blue Line between Lebanese territory and Israel, which impacted both sides of the demarcation line. Tensions remain high on the Lebanon-Israel border following an escalation in fighting between the two countries as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict flared up. (Líbano) EFE/EPA/AYAL MARGOLIN ISRAEL OUT

Funcionarios han declarado que solicitarían al Congreso hasta 2.000 millones de dólares en asistencia adicional tanto para Israel como para Ucrania, quien lucha contra la invasión rusa.

Blinken hizo el anuncio a primeras horas del martes luego de una reunión de más de siete horas con el primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu y otros altos funcionarios de Israel, informó la agencia de noticias AP.

Biden se reunirá con el líder palestino, Mahmud Abás, el presidente egipcio, Abdel Fattah al Sisi, y el rey jordano, Abdalá II.

Gaza (---), 13/10/2023.- Residents evacuate Gaza City following an Israeli warning of increased military operations in the Gaza Strip, 13 October 2023. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) on 13 October called for the evacuation of all civilians of northern Gaza, ahead of an expected ground invasion. EFE/EPA/MOHAMMED SABER
Gaza (---), 13/10/2023.- Residents evacuate Gaza City following an Israeli warning of increased military operations in the Gaza Strip, 13 October 2023. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) on 13 October called for the evacuation of all civilians of northern Gaza, ahead of an expected ground invasion. EFE/EPA/MOHAMMED SABER

“Reiterará que Hamás no defiende el derecho del pueblo palestino a la dignidad y la autodeterminación, y volverá a hablar de las necesidades humanitarias de los civiles de Gaza”, declaró a la prensa el portavoz del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional, John Kirby.

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